FREE Speech Therapy Exercises and Resources for Children | New York, NY Open Lines®
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Our exclusive collection of FREE pediatric speech-language pathology resources

Explore our exclusive collection of downloadable proprietary pediatric resources, specially designed by the Open Lines® team of expert licensed speech-language pathologists. These educational tools and speech therapy exercises were designed specifically to strengthen carepartner knowledge and to support the growth of every child’s speech, language, and cognitive-communication skills!


Pediatric Language: Vocabulary Milestones

Vocabulary: How many words should my child have?

Pediatric Language: Developmental Red Flags

Developmental Red Flags: Signs your child may have a receptive-expressive language delay/disorder.

Developmental Red Flags: Signs your child may have a receptive-expressive language delay/disorder.

Pediatric Language: Expressive Language Milestones

Typical age and development of skills for learning to talk

Pediatric Enrichment: Supportive Language Strategies

Tips for supporting language development at home

Pediatric Language: Early Expected Errors

What articulation errors are developmentally appropriate?

Pediatric Enrichment: Infant Social Play Milestones

Play Skills: Typical age and development of skills

Pediactric Articulation: Speech Sound Development Chart
Pediatric Articulation: Guidelines for Intelligibility

How much of my child’s speech am I meant to understand?

Pediatric Articulation: Articulation Mountain

Visualize overall progress: Hierarchy of articulation skill development

Pediatric Articulation: Bullseye
Pediatric Articulation: Initial Sh Word List
Pediatric Articulation: Medial Sh Word List
Pediatric Articulation: Final Sh Word List
Pediatric Articulation: Initial Ch Word List
Pediatric Articulation: Medial Ch Word List
Pediatric Articulation: Final Ch Word List
Pediatric Articulation: Initial R Word List
Pediatric Articulation: Ways to Emphasize Speech

Pediatric Articulation: Ways to Emphasize Speech

Pediatric Articulation: Voiced vs. Voiceless Sounds

What’s the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds?

Pediatric Articulation: What is Speech

What is speech and what does an articulation delay look like?

Pediatric General: Different Kinds of Language

What’s the difference between receptive, expressive, and pragmatic

Pediatric Stuttering: School Aged Fluency Strategies
Pediatric Stuttering: Toddler Fluency Strategies
Pediatric Social Language: Thought Parking Lot

Got something to say but it’s not the right time?

Pediatric Social Language: Instead of "I Don't Know"
Pediatric Language: Step-by-Step Sequential Narrative

Linking Language: Visual tool to help your child share their stories

Pediatric Language: Methods of Bilingual Acquisition
Pediatric Language: Fast Facts of Bilingualism
Pediatric Language: What is Language?

Purchase Our Exclusive Speech Therapy Exercises for Articulation Therapy and Phonology Therapy!

Open Lines® is excited to offer our first exclusive product available now for purchase! All Open Lines® products are created by Doctoral level and expertly-trained speech-language pathologists.

Articulation-Therapy-Minimal-PairsAre you unsure about how to support your child’s speech at home? These speech therapy exercises and articulation picture cards are perfect for you!

  • Designed by the Open Lines® team of expert, licensed speech-language pathologists
  • Sold individually or in a bundle
  • Targets common articulation errors or phonological processes that occur in children with speech sound delays
  • Exercises include suggested activities and instructions about how to provide cues and support along the way
  • Features minimal pairs, words that differ by one sound but have completely different meanings (e.g., “Tan” vs. “Can”; “Wing” vs. “Ring.”)
  • Uses the minimal pairs approach, a research-based therapy technique that shows a child that the way they say their sounds matters!

This product is ideal for caregivers who are looking to support a child’s speech sound development by improving speech clarity and communicative confidence!

This product is available as a complete bundle that includes all of the following phonological processes or purchase each process separately at the links below:

  • Phonological processes and sounds targeted:
    • Velar Fronting
      • /k/–/t/ (e.g., “Can” vs. “Tan”)
      • /g/–/d/ (e.g., “Go” vs. “Doe”)
    • Final Consonant Deletion (e.g., “Plane” vs. “Play”)
    • Final Consonant Devoicing (e.g., “Bug” vs. “Buck”)
    • Stopping
      • /f/–/p/ (e.g., “Cough” vs. “Cop”)
      • /f/–/b/ (e.g., “Phone” vs. “Bone”)
      • /s/–/t/ (e.g., “Sew” vs. “Toe”)
      • /s/–/d/ (e.g., “Sun” vs. “Done”)
      • /z/–/d/ (e.g., “Zoo” vs. “Do”)
      • /v/–/b/ (e.g., “Vest” vs. “Best”)
      • /sh/–/t/ (e.g., “Shoe” vs. “Two”)
      • /ch/–/t/ (e.g., “Catch” vs. “Cat”)
      • “juh”-/d/ (e.g., “Jog” vs. “Dog”)
      • “th”–/d/ (e.g., “They” vs. “Day”)
    • Consonant Cluster Reduction
      • /s/ clusters (e.g., “Snail” vs. “Sail”)
      • /l/ clusters (e.g., “Blue” vs. “Boo”)
      • /r/ clusters (e.g., “Frog” vs. “Fog”)
    • Gliding
      • /l/–/w/ (e.g., “Lay” vs. “Way”)
      • /r/–/w/ (e.g., “One” vs. “Run”)
  • Corresponding picture cards
  • Clear instructions for practice activities in caregiver-friendly language
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