FREE Speech Therapy Exercises and Resources for Adults | New York, NY Open Lines®
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Our exclusive collection of FREE speech-language pathology resources for adults

Open Lines is a private speech therapy clinic dedicated to providing holistic treatment solutions for adults and their support systems. Explore our exclusive collection of free communication resources and materials designed to enhance communication competence, confidence, and wellbeing.

Adult Voice: GERD/LPR Dos and Don'ts
Adult Voice: Vocal Hygiene Dos and Don'ts
Adult Voice: What is GERD/LPR?
Adult Neuro (general): Effective Nonverbal Communication

Non-Verbal Communication: What is it and how to use it

Adult Neuro (general): Connecting Strategies in Conversation

Conversation Skills: Understanding the different ways we connect

Adult Neuro (general): What is PPA?

An overview of Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) including strategies.

Adult Neuro (general): Aspiration precautions
Adult Neuro (general): Swallowing Dos and Dont's
Adult Neuro (general): What is Executive Function?

Understanding Executive Function: Definition and Examples

Adult Public Speaking: Effective Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication: How to use your body to maximize your communicative impact

Adult Public Speaking: What is Executive Function?

Executive Function Skills: What they are and why we need them to be effective public speakers?

Adult Public Speaking: What Goes Into Communication?
Adult Neuro ICAP: Yes/No (simple)
Adult Neuro ICAP: Kinds of Errors


Aphasia Errors: what are semantic and phonemic paraphasias?

Adult Neuro LSVT LOUD: Decision Tree Speaking (simple)
Adult Neuro LSVT LOUD: Think Loud
Adult Neuro LSVT LOUD: Loudness Progress
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