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Are you tired of your current position? Are you looking to be inspired to work at an exceptional level with a team of clinicians who want to see you and the families you work with succeed? Are you looking to work hard for a team that wants to see you grow with us? Are you interested in finding your niche within an organization poised for exciting growth? Then Open Lines Speech and Communication might be the place for you!

We are a holistic speech-language pathology clinic based in the New York City Metropolitan Area. We believe in treating individuals as unique, whole beings with multidimensional needs. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with an independent private practice that focuses on quality of care above all else!

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CCC-SLP or CF-SLP – School / Office / Remote / In-Home

CCC-SLP or CF-SLP – School / Assessments

Speech Language Pathologist – NY

CCC-SLP or CF-SLP – School / Office / Remote / In-Home

The current position we have available is split between a NYC based private school and some afternoons in the private practice.

The position is full-time salaried with full medical/dental/vision benefits, paid time off, Class Pass, and compensation for transportation. A company-matched 401(k) is offered after a probationary period. All technologies, diagnostic and treatment materials, and full supervisory and administrative support are provided by the practice. Take the time to learn to become the expert you are meant to be, not to schedule and worry about the fact that you will not be paid if children are absent!

Role Description:
Looking for a CCC-SLP with TSSLD. Strong CFs are considered. Strong diagnostic and writing skills a plus. DOE employees are NOT eligible for this position. Compensation is commensurate with experience. This role is located in the New York City Metropolitan Area.
Please complete the form below and upload a resume and cover letter as PDF attachments.


  • Strong training and experience in the field of speech-language pathology
  • Knowledge of speech and language disorders and their treatment
  • Proactive, empathetic, energetic personality
  • Ability to develop and implement individualized treatment plans
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to work collaboratively with educational and healthcare professionals
  • Knowledge of neurology and its impact on cognitive communication, speech, language, and learning is a plus
  • Master’s degree in speech-language pathology from an ASHA accredited program
  • TSSLD provisional license
  • Eligibility for licensure in New York State

Annual Salary: Commensurate with experience

CCC-SLP or CF-SLP – School / Assessments

The current position we have available is full-time in a private school with occasional evaluations.

The position is full-time salaried with full medical/dental/vision benefits, paid time off, Class Pass, and compensation for transportation. A company-matched 401(k) is offered after a probationary period. All technologies, diagnostic and treatment materials, and full supervisory and administrative support are provided by the practice. Take the time to learn to become the expert you are meant to be, not to schedule and worry about the fact that you will not be paid if children are absent!

Role Description:
Looking for a CCC-SLP with TSSLD. Strong CFs are considered. Strong diagnostic and writing skills a plus. DOE employees are NOT eligible for this position. Compensation is commensurate with experience. This role is located in the New York City Metropolitan Area.
Please complete the form below and upload a resume and cover letter as PDF attachments.


  • Strong training and experience in the field of speech-language pathology
  • Knowledge of speech and language disorders and their treatment
  • Proactive, empathetic, energetic personality
  • Ability to develop and implement individualized treatment plans
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to work collaboratively with educational and healthcare professionals
  • Knowledge of neurology and its impact on cognitive communication, speech, language, and learning is a plus
  • Master’s degree in speech-language pathology from an ASHA accredited program
  • TSSLD provisional license
  • Eligibility for licensure in New York State

Annual Salary: Commensurate with experience

Speech Language Pathologist – NY

Job Duties

  • Evaluate levels of speech, language, or swallowing difficulty.
  • Identify clients’ goals for treatment.
  • Diagnose, treat, and prevent speech, language, and swallowing disorders.
  • Perform assessments and treatments.
  • Create treatment and therapy plans to suit the individualized needs of a diverse population of patients.
  • Perform screenings to detect voice or speech disorders.
  • Teach clients how to make sounds, improve their voices, and maintain fluency.
  • Help clients improve vocabulary and sentence structure.
  • Work with clients to develop and strengthen the muscles used to swallow.
  • Educate patients and family members about speech disorders and causes, including disabilities and traumatic events.
  • Counsel clients and their families on how to cope with communication and swallowing disorders.
  • Keep detailed records relating to patient conditions, care plans, therapies, and progress.
  • Report progress and current status to appropriate parties, which may include family members, teachers, or medical professionals.
  • Perform administrative tasks related to responsibilities, such as attending team meetings, creating diagnostic and treatment materials, writing and assisting with the planning and execution of education activities.


  • Master’s degree in Communication Sciences & Disorders or related fields.
  • Must be licensed in NY State as a Speech-Language Pathologist.

Must receive the following certifications:

  • CCC (Certificate of Clinical Competence) by ASHA
  • Public School Teacher Certificate for Speech and Language Disabilities

Must complete the following training/courses:

  • Certified in Speech Intelligibility Treatment
  • Bug Busting in Early Care and Education Settings
  • Social & Behavioral Research with human subjects
  • Mandated Reporter Training
  • Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)

Annual Salary: $60,000 – $85,000

Please complete the form below and upload a resume and cover letter as PDF attachments.


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