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At Open Lines®, our licensed speech language pathologists help children and adults rebuild their lives, improve their communication, and enhance their delivery. As a way to highlight our talented and dedicated SLPs, we are offering a staff spotlight series to help our patients get to know our clinicians on a more personal level. Today, we are proud to feature Zaina Khoury, who is a speech language pathologist at Open Lines®.

Zaina’s Background

I received a Bachelor’s of Science in Human Development and a minor in Human Rights from the University of California-Davis before earning a Master’s of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Teachers College, Columbia University.

I am certified in Teaching Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD), Speech Systems Intelligibility Treatment (SSIT), Bilingual Extension in Spanish, and LSVT LOUD LSVT LOUD for Kids. I also speak three languages – English, Arabic, and Spanish.

What Do You Do at Open Lines®?

I work with both pediatric and adult clients in the office, online, and at the Bank Street School for Children! Aside from working with my wonderful clients, I am passionate about generating clinical materials for multilingual clients and integrating cultural competence into evaluation and therapy materials!

How Long Have You Been with Open Lines®?

I have been with Open Lines® for a wonderful year and a half!

What Interested You in Joining Open Lines®’ Staff?

I was drawn to Open Lines®’ commitment to holistic care for their clients. It has been a gift to work with such a communicative team who cares about each and every person that enters our doors.

We lean on each other for clinical advice, mentoring, and growth, which is not an environment you can find just anywhere!

Lastly, I have the opportunity to work with a diverse client population and sharpen my skills with a variety of diagnoses and disorders.

What Is the Most Rewarding Part of Your Job and Why?

Favorite quote: “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” – Rumi

Favorite food: Middle eastern mezze, fruit tarts, and mint tea!

Favorite hobbies: Traveling, painting, spending time in Central Park, and shopping!

If you’re struggling with communication difficulties, it’s time to turn to Open Lines®. Contact us via phone (212-430-6800), email [email protected], or by filling out our convenient contact form. Improve your communication skills and unlock your potential with Open Lines® Speech and Communication in New York today!

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