FREE Speech Therapy Exercises and Resources for Adults
Our exclusive collection of FREE speech-language pathology resources for adults
Open Lines is a private speech therapy clinic dedicated to providing holistic treatment solutions for adults and their support systems. Explore our exclusive collection of free communication resources and materials designed to enhance communication competence, confidence, and wellbeing.
GERD and LPR: The Dos and Don’ts for vocal health
Vocal Hygiene: The Dos and Don'ts for vocal health
What is GERD and how can it affect my voice?
Non-Verbal Communication: What is it and how to use it
Conversation Skills: Understanding the different ways we connect
An overview of Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) including strategies.
Swallowing Guidelines and Precautions
Swallow Safely When Eating: Dos and Don’ts
Understanding Executive Function: Definition and Examples
Nonverbal communication: How to use your body to maximize your communicative impact
Executive Function Skills: What they are and why we need them to be effective public speakers?
Communication: What skills are involved?
Yes/No Graphic Communication Board
Aphasia Errors: what are semantic and phonemic paraphasias?
Poster: LSVT simple decision tree
Poster: Think Loud! Think Big!
Progress Log: Track your weekly LSVT LOUD progress